Things are heating up around campus with the start of the semester, and we want to do what we can to help you cool down, relax, and feel prepared for the beginning of classes!
There will be Sakai experts in Davis Library Room 246 TODAY from 1pm to 3:30pm. Drop in any time to get quick help from the experts! We recommend that you register for the event to ensure that a consultant will be available to meet with you.
All about ConnectCarolina
To better prepare for setting up your Sakai site and minimize any confusion, it helps to understand the connection between Sakai and ConnectCarolina. With any changes made in ConnectCarolina (CC), such as added TAs or students adding and dropping courses, please wait a few hours before expecting to see this change in Sakai. CC information updates in Sakai 3 times a day, so if you do not see the update within 24 hours, contact the ITS Service Desk
Here is what you need to know about the two systems:
- Teaching Assistants should be added to your course through ConnectCarolina due to FERPA restrictions.
- This ensures that FERPA guidelines are met and that TAs have the appropriate permissions in Sakai.
- See University Registrar
for more information
- You must be listed as Instructor in ConnectCarolina to create your Sakai course site.
- If your roster is not attached to your Sakai account, please contact your departmental course scheduling officer.
- TAs do not have the ability to create course sites in Sakai.
- Students auditing a class must be added in ConnectCarolina.
Remember that we are here to help you! Please call 962-HELP if you have any questions.