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checking off to-do listWelcome back from Fall Break! We are now in the depth of the semester, and this is a great time to give your students some feedback! One way of letting your students know how they are doing is by adding feedback on online tests in Sakai. Instructors can add feedback simply by allowing students to see their responses and the correct answers on their test submissions, as well as making additional comments and statistics available.

Displaying Feedback

To display feedback on tests opens in new window:

1. Locate your assessment in Tests & Quizzes
2. Click on Select Action menu > Settings
3. Select Feedback
4. Choose when to make feedback available under Feedback Delivery

NOTE: We do not recommend selecting Immediate Feedback as this option will display feedback while students are taking the test. If you allow multiple submissions or accept late submissions, you may want to consider displaying feedback at a specific date (after the retract date), so students will not be able to view feedback and then retake the assessment or take a late submission.

5. Select Release Questions and the following and check items you want released:

Sakai test feedback settings

6. Save Settings (and Publish)

NOTE: Grader’s Comments require student submission and are entered on the Total Scores page (Published Copies tab > Select Action menu > Scores > Comments for Student column). In order for students to view your comments on questions, you must select both “Grader’s Comments” and “Student Response” in the Feedback.

Students can access Feedback, Statistics, and their Assessment Scores under the Submitted Assessments section on the Tests & Quizzes tool. Depending on what you choose to make available to students, this is what they will see when viewing Feedback:

student view of test feedback in Sakai

Adding Feedback

If you want to display question-level and/or selection-level feedback, this must be entered in the Edit mode of an assessment:

1. Locate your assessment in Tests & Quizzes
2. Click on Select Action menu > Edit
3. Locate question and click on Edit
4. Enter feedback for selection/question levels and Save

Sakai options for question-level and selection-level feedback

NOTE: If your assessment has already been published and you are entering or editing feedback, be sure to (Regrade and) Republish the assessment.

Let us know if you have any questions at 919-962-HELP!

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