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checking off to-do list next to calculatorFinals are here.

We know the end of semester wrap-up always comes so quickly, so to have one less thing to stress about, we have made available a quick 5-item Gradebook Checklist to help you get your grades ready!

NOTE: This checklist is for the new Gradebook. If you are using Gradebook Classic, use this Gradebook Checklist.

Final Grades Due in 72 Hours

Don’t forget! All final course grades are due in ConnectCarolina within 72 hours after your scheduled final exam. Be sure to follow the University Registrar’s Grading Calendar to enter final grades. Grades are due 72 hours after the scheduled time of your final exam. Don’t forget that you must use VPN for off-campus access and UNC-Secure for on-campus wireless access to ConnectCarolina.

1. Verify all grades are entered

There are multiple ways to enter grades:

NOTE: Teaching Assistants must be listed in ConnectCarolina to access grades.

2. Check items are included in final grade calculations

Verify appropriate Gradebook Items are counted towards the final grade. If a Gradebook item is not released to students and included in course grade calculations, you will see an eye and calculator icons with slashes through them.

Be sure to edit the item (down arrow > Edit Item Details), check the following, and Save:

  • Release item to students
  • Include item in course grade calculations

eye and calculator icons with slashes through them

3. Set ungraded items to zero

After entering scores, calculate grades by setting any ungraded items to zero to avoid possible grade inflation, as the Gradebook only includes items with scores to calculate the course grade. This will place a “0” in all Gradebook entries that do not have a score.

NOTE: Setting ungraded items to zero is irreversible.

set score to zero for empty cells in gradebook

4. Release final grades to students

If needed, you can override a student’s final letter grade. Once all course grades are finalized, remember to release final grades to students. You can quickly verify if course grades are hidden from students if you see the eye icon with a slash in the Course Grade column.

5. Export & approve final grades for ConnectCarolina

The last step in Sakai is to export final grades, as they must be approved in ConnectCarolina. Click on Import / Export > Export Final Grades for ConnectCarolina to open and save a spreadsheet that is formatted to be uploaded into ConnectCarolina. Then go to ConnectCarolina to upload this spreadsheet and approve final grades. Remember you have 72 hours after the scheduled time of your final exam to approve grades in ConnectCarolina!

export final grades for connectcarolina button

Contact the ITS Service Desk at if you have any questions. Good luck with exams!

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