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Attendees at a past Faculty Showcase at the Carolina ClubWe are thrilled to share that the full program for the CFE Faculty Showcase on Teaching is now available! To provide the most flexibility, the Showcase will be held virtually via Zoom on Thursday, March 23rd, and then return in-person at the Carolina Club on Friday, March 24th. We look forward to gathering together again since 2018! Register for the Showcase now to save your spot and get access to all sessions! Registrants will also be entered into a drawing for prizes (must be present at time of drawing to win).

Our two-day event highlights instructors from over two dozen disciplines as they share their work and perspectives on a wide range of instructional topics and of-the-moment academic concerns, such as the role of artificial intelligence tools in classrooms. There will also be a session on Canvas where eight instructors will share how they are using different features available in the new learning management system. Every session is designed to be relevant to those teaching in diverse fields and course contexts. This year’s event includes:

  • Concurrent sessions featuring more than 40 instructors
  • Virtual keynote address by Dr. Paul Hanstedt on “Creating Wicked Students”
  • Lunch and a conversation on teaching with Provost Chris Clemens

Faculty Showcase Topics

This year’s Showcase features the following topics:

  • AI and the Future of Writing Assignments
  • Alternatives to Traditional Grading
  • Building a Better Assignment: Creating Scaffolded Assessments
  • Canvas is a Teaching Toolkit
  • Collaborative Online International Learning at Carolina
  • Communicating Beyond Carolina: IDEAS in Action
  • Community Engaged Teaching: Building Effective and Ethical Partnerships
  • Diverse Approaches to Teaching with Case Studies
  • Make It Great: Teaching with the Makerspaces
  • Peer to Peer: Supporting Student Learning with Undergraduate Learning Assistants
  • Reaching Students as Individuals
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Lightning Round Presentations
  • Teaching Demonstrations: Embodied Pedagogy and Design Sprint
  • Using AI and Video to Develop Students’ Communication Skills with Patients
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