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Banner announcing we're moving to Canvas features Sakaiger and Canvas panda looking at transition mapBy now you will have hopefully heard the news that the University is transitioning its learning management system from Sakai to Canvas. Sakai may be used for teaching through Spring 2024, which means we’re approaching the last summer Sakai is available for use. As we all know, time flies during the regular campus semester, so we strongly urge instructors who have not yet made the switch to use this summer to start looking into teaching in Canvas.

We have several upcoming live training opportunities, as well as recorded training videos already available to help instructors with the move. We recommend reviewing Moving from Sakai to Canvas to get started with Canvas. We also have a session lined up for instructors already teaching in Canvas this spring to help you get end-of-semester ready. Read on for upcoming Canvas training opportunities!

Training for Instructors Already Teaching in Canvas

End of Semester Tips

End of Semester Tips: Tues 4/18 | 2-3pm | Online via Zoom

Note: Workshop canceled due to low interest. Please see Moving from Sakai to Canvas for recorded training videos.

Join our team to get a demo of Canvas features useful for the end of semester. Topics will include managing final projects, exams, grades, and more. Time will be allotted for questions and a summary recording and list of resources will be shared after the training.

Training for Instructors New to Canvas

Recorded Videos on Basics of Teaching in Canvas

If you are ready to learn on your own now, watch the recorded training video of our past crash course on teaching in Canvas (held 1/06/23). You can also watch shorter clips of recorded videos that are broken down by topic. Ready to learn about more Canvas tools? Check out Instructure’s quick overview videos of many of the tools you’ll find in Canvas.

Intro to Teaching in Canvas Hands-on Workshop

Intro to Teaching in Canvas Hands-on Workshop: Mon 4/17 | 2:30-4pm | In-person in Greenlaw 101

Note: Workshop canceled due to low interest. Please see Moving from Sakai to Canvas for recorded training videos.

Join us at this in-person workshop in Greenlaw 101 to learn the basics of Canvas! Attendees will get an intro to Canvas and commonly-used teaching tools in the system. Time is built in for attendees to test things out on their own (bring your laptop!), and our team will be available to answer your questions.

Canvas Course Design Snapshot

Moving from Sakai to Canvas is a great opportunity to revisit the overall design of one or more of your courses. The Center for Faculty Excellence is hosting special 2-hour Canvas Course Design Snapshot sessions for instructors interested in refining and aligning their course goals around Canvas’ tools and organizational structure. The 2-hour interactive session will outline the process of making evidence-based course decisions and help you learn about the features of Canvas that can be used to help you achieve your course goals. After the interactive session, CFE and ITS team members will be available for specific questions and technology support to ensure you have a plan to build your course in Canvas and to answer any technical questions you may have about Canvas or the migration process.

Choose from one of the following and be sure to register to save your spot:

Canvas Course Design DIY Guide

A downloadable self-guided version of the content covered in the Canvas Course Design Institute will be made available as well! Look for it on Canvas after spring semester exams.

Support for All Instructors

Canvas Drop-in Office Hours

Canvas Drop-in Office Hours Registration: Wed 5/3 (Reading Day) | Online via Zoom

Have quick, last-minute questions you need answered to help finalize your grades? Ready to start building out your summer course site in Canvas? Drop in during this online Canvas hour to chat with us!

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