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Sakaiger and Canvas panda look at roadmap for Sakai transition to CanvasThis is it! The Spring 2024 Semester has concluded and all grades were due yesterday. Tomorrow on May 15, 2024, Sakai will enter restricted access, at which point all Sakai sites will be permanently unpublished. Sakai site access will be limited to site owners, expect for temporary access granted to students with Incomplete grades.

Sakai will remain in this restricted access state for 2 years to allow for site owners to review and retrieve any needed content until the system is decommissioned on May 15, 2026. Content from 2022 and 2023 Registrar courses has already been migrated to Canvas in “SAKAI_Archive” sites. Find them on your All Courses opens in new window page in Canvas, and you can then copy this content into your official course sites opens in new window. SP24 content will be available late June.

As a reminder, these are the key points of Sakai’s restricted access:

  • All Sakai sites permanently unpublished.
  • No new sites created, email functions disabled, and all work must be conducted outside of Sakai.
  • Only the following roles will have access to their Sakai sites to allow for content review and retrieval until Sakai is decommissioned 2 years later: Instructor, Organizer, Teaching Assistant, Coordinator, Tech Support.
    • Temporary access granted to students with Incomplete grades. Instructor should submit a help request opens in new window with name of student, when to remove access, and course ID. All communication must occur outside of Sakai, such as through University email.
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