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We are thrilled to share that you can now restrict content to specific sections and individual students in Canvas courses! This means that not only can you assign content and course activities to specific groups of students, but the rest of the students will not be able to view this content at all if it is never assigned to them! This is particularly useful to instructors using one Canvas site to teach multiple sections as you may want to limit what each section has access to and when. This is also useful if you need to provide accommodations to individual students. You can even go back to existing learning activities you created prior to this feature being released on July 20, 2024 and assign the restriction to the section or user as needed.

Look for the new “Manage Due Dates and Assign To” link or “Assign To” button in the following places:

  • Assignments
  • New and Classic Quizzes
  • Discussions
  • Pages
  • Modules

Using the New Assign To Function

Where you would have previously seen an Assign To box at the bottom of the settings of your learning activity (Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions, Pages), you will now see a link called “Manage Due Dates and Assign To.” Click on this link to have the Assign To settings open in a new tray panel on the right-hand side of your Canvas page. In this Assign To tray is where you can assign your different due dates, available from and until dates, as well as specify if your learning activity is released to everyone in the class, specific sections, and/or individual users.

Click the Manage Due Dates and Assign To link:

Canvas Manage Due Dates and Assign To link outlined

You will then see the Assign To tray panel on the right of your Canvas page:

Assign To settings menu open in Canvas Assignment

Important Things to Note

  • After entering dates or accommodations in the Assign To settings, the “Manage Due Dates and Assign To” link will show “Pending Changes.” You must save your learning activity to save those updates.
  • Once an exception is added through the + Add button, “Everyone” in your settings will switch to “Everyone Else.” You may need to click on the Apply button before seeing “Everyone Else” listed.
  • If you do not update the Assign To tray, the activity will default to be assigned and visible to “Everyone” in the course.

Quick Assign To Button

To make things quick and easy, there is also a new “Assign To” button visible on all learning activities! Look for the Assign To button at the top of your Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions, and Pages:

Canvas Assign To button outlined


It is now possible to restrict Modules to sections and individuals! Click the 3-dot icon in the top right of a module and select the “Assign To…” option. It defaults to “Everyone” but you can switch to assign this to individuals or sections by entering them in the empty box. Be sure to click Save. You will then see a new “View Assign To” link appear on your module!

Click the 3-dot icon and select “Assign To…”:

Assign To link outlined in Canvas Modules

Enter your assigned sections or individuals:

Assign To settings in Canvas Modules

Note that in this new tray panel on the right-hand side is where you will also now find the module settings!

Student View

If you restrict a learning activity to a specific section or individual students, the rest of the class will never see that item. However if you assign an item to a section or student and make it available at a later time, the student will see it but receive an alert that this item is locked until the set date and time.

Example of locked Discussion:

Student view of locked discussion in Canvas

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