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The UNC Check-In App facilitates the taking of attendance during classes and other events. The app allows instructors to specify brief time intervals during which students can register attendance when in proximity to Bluetooth beacons. The app does not track or store student location. UNC Check-In App attendance can be imported into the Sakai Attendance tool.

See UNC Check-In Maintenance for upcoming and past maintenance plans.


ITS Teaching and Learning has partnered with Dr. Viji Sathy, Teaching Professor in the Department of Psychology and Program Evaluator for the Chancellor’s Science Scholars, to create the UNC Check-In app to facilitate taking attendance during classes and other events. The app allows instructors to specify brief time intervals during which students can register attendance when in proximity to Bluetooth beacons.


For information on installing the app, view:

Service FAQs

The UNC Check-In app only uses Location Services to detect your nearness to the Bluetooth beacon in your classroom. At no time is your location stored anywhere or shared with anyone.

NO, the UNC Check-In app does not track your location.
UNC Chapel Hill has a class attendance policy and it is up to each instructor if they want to use the UNC Check-In app to take attendance.
If your class is using the UNC Check-In app for attendance, then the student (users) and the facilitator for the course (faculty member, approved TA or course administrator) can see attendance history.
First, let your instructor or TA know, so they can correct your attendance; the UNC Check-In team will not change attendance on behalf of a student. Next, click the “Help” button in the app. If your issue persists, submit a help request.

For in-person support of phone app issues, the ITS ServiceDesk has a Walk-In located at the Student Union.

Student FAQs

Download the UNC Check-In app from the Apple App store: UNC Check-In on the App Store

After you open the app, log in with your Onyen and password.

UNC Chapel Hill Login Screen

Next, allow the app to use Location Services to detect when you are near one of the classroom beacons, while you are using the app.


Now you are ready to use the app.

The UNC Check-In app needs access to the Location Services to detect your nearness to the
Classroom Bluetooth beacons. 
  1. To Enable Location Services select the Settings button.

  2. On the Settings page select Privacy.

    screenshot of UNC Check-In window

  3. On the Privacy page select Location Services.

  4. On the Locations Services page select UNC Check-In.

  5. In the UNC Check-In window select While Using the App.

  6. Now the UNC Check-In app should detect the beacon.

When you see this screen, it means you have manually turned off the Bluetooth on your phone.

  1. To turn on the Bluetooth, click “Settings”

  2. Change your Bluetooth setting from off, to ON.

Download the UNC Check-In app from the Google Play store:

UNC Check-In App for Android on Google Play

Screenshot of the UNC Check-In App displaying the Location screen in Android devices with a checkmark next to the text "Always Allow Location Access"

After you install the App, open it. Next, log in with your ONYEN and Password.

UNC Chapel Hill Login Screen

Allow the app to use your location to detect when you are in a classroom with a Bluetooth beacon.

Now you are ready to use the app.

Open SETTINGS for your Android phone.
Select “Apps & notifications“.

Screenshot of the Settings menu from an Android device. The Apps & Notifications option is highlighted in red.

In “Apps & notifications” select the UNC Check-In app.

Screenshot of the Apps & Notifications menu from an Android device. The UNC Check-In app is highlighted in red.

Now select the Permissions option.

Screenshot of the App Info menu for the UNC Check-in app from an Android device. The Permissions option is highlighted in red.ith

Turn on the Location service for the app.

The App permissions screen from an Android device with the Location menu highlighted in red.

When you see this screen, it means you have manually turned off the Bluetooth on your phone.

To turn on the Bluetooth, click “YES“or “ALLOW



When the UNC Check-In app is ready to use in the classroom, there are several indicators that the app is ready to use.

  1. When the UNC Check-In app is working, a list of your courses utilizing the Check-In app will appear on the main screen.
  2. After choosing a course, a “Beacon detected!” notification will pop-up on screen briefly (Android App) and the text “Beacon detected for” will appear along the top of the screen below the Beacon symbol.

Note: You will not be able to check into class until the Instructor opens the Check-In Window.


Please check the following:

  1.  You have Location Services enabled for the UNC Check-In app.
  2. You also need to be within range of the classroom Bluetooth beacon.
    • If you are NOT within range a message will display on the app.
    • Android:Android can't check in
    • iOS:iOS can't check in
  3. Check-In windows are started by the class instructor and students cannot check-in until the instructor opens a window.
    • You should see a message similar to the one below if your instructor has not opened a window.
    • Android: Android - no check in window
    • iOS:iOS - no check in window

Students can only check in once during each check-in window.

If you try to check in more than once, the app will display a message that you have already checked-in.

    • Android:Android - already checked in
    • >iOS:iOS - already checked in

Yes, the “View Past Attendance” button will display your previous check-ins.
There is a separate tab for each course, which lists all your check-ins..

Past Attendance

Instructor FAQs

Visit the course request site to add your course to the UNC Check-In app system.

Your courses that are located in classrooms with beacons installed will be listed. Then you can select the course and submit the selection so the course will be added and the ConnectCarolina rosters will be added also.

By checking a box for the courses listed you will activate the UNC Check-In App for your course. You will have access to the UNC Check-In app for that course, within 30 minutes.

Download the UNC Check-In app from the Apple App store: UNC Check-In on the App Store

After you open the app, log in with your Onyen and password.

UNC Chapel Hill Login Screen

Next, allow the app to use Location Services to detect when you are near one of the classroom beacons, while you are using the app.


Now you are ready to use the app.

As an instructor, you can open a check-in window from your computer, if necessary.

Log into the Check-In app Dashboard.

  1. Select the course site you want to manage.
  2. In the Manual Check-In window, type your Onyen (course instructor’s)
  3. In the Role window, select Instructor
  4. Click Submit

Now your students have 15 minutes to check-in to class.

A course instructor can manually check-in a student or group of students who are late to class or who are having difficulties with the app.
  1. Log into the UNC Check-In app Dashboard.
  2. Select the course you want to manage.
  3. In the Manage Students section, select a time slot to open a list of students who did not check-in during that time.
  4. In the pop-up window, select the students you want to check-in, and click Submit.

Course roster information is pulled from ConnectCarolina several times a day.

A course instructor can manually check-in a student or group of students who are late to class or who are having difficulties with the app.
  1. Log into the attendance site.
  2. Select the course you want to manage.
  3. In the Manage Students section, select a time slot to open a list of students who did not check-in during that time.

  4. In the pop-up window, select the students you want to check-in, and click Submit.