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flexible learning initiatives banner with instructor and several students interacting in Greenlaw Hall 101

Have you seen or even taught in some of the renovated classrooms designed to support a greater variety of teaching methods? Exciting news has been shared by the Center for Faculty Excellence:

In response to a 2012 faculty survey on classrooms, the University has been experimenting with alternative classroom designs to accommodate a wider range of teaching methods. Now, Provost Bob Blouin has approved a master plan put forward by the Classroom Policy Steering Committee to expedite updates to many of the University’s general purpose classrooms. The Flexible Learning Spaces Initiative (FLSI) is a multi-year plan to implement these updates and help faculty, graduate instructors, and students make the most of them. Over the next five years:

  • As many as 50 general purpose classrooms will be updated, including several lecture halls
  • New workshops and resources will be offered to support instructors using the updated spaces
  • The faculty-led Classrooms Modernization Advisory Group will help oversee implementation of the initiative

What great news for Carolina!

*Update 3/18/19: See more on this story from ITS! This story includes interviews with Gina Bradford, our Classroom Hotline Manager, and Bob Henshaw, our CFE Liaison.

See the Flexible Learning Spaces

All UNC instructors are invited to visit the Flexible Learning Spaces! The CFE has several events planned for you to visit the flexible classrooms, as well as learn about best practices and effective design strategies for your in-class activities. We invite you to register for any that interest you!

Registration for all sessions are found on the CFE Learning Spaces Initiative page.

Flexible Learning Spaces Open House

Visit a recently renovated classroom, chat with instructors who have taught in these spaces, and meet instructional support staff from several campus groups. No registration required.

  • March 20 | 2:30-4pm | Kenan Labs 125
  • March 22 | 1-2:30pm | Peabody 220

Intro to Teaching in a Flexible Learning Space

Find out how you can take advantage of the new classrooms. Presenters will model practical teaching techniques that can be implemented in any class.

  • March 6 | 9-10am | Alumni 203
  • March 7 | 3:30-4:30pm | Carolina Hall 213
  • April 5 | 1-2pm | Peabody 220
  • May 3 | 1-2pm | Peabody 220
  • May 9 | 2-3pm | Peabody 306

Best Practices for Small Group Activities

Learn about examples of potential group work and projects that fit course goals, and reflect on how the instructor’s role changes using this format. You’ll also discuss common group work pitfalls and strategies to overcome them.

  • March 29 | 2:30-3:30pm | Bingham 217
  • April 4 | 3:30-4:30pm | Greenlaw 317
  • April 17 | 3-4pm | Kenan Labs 125
  • May 8 | 11am-12pm | Phillips 212

Designing Effective Discussion Prompts

Discuss strategies for developing effective question prompts for in-class activities and out-of-class assignments.

  • March 19 | 12:30-1:30pm | Dey 301
  • April 10 | 3:30-4:30pm | Dey 205

Flexible Learning Spaces Retreat

Don’t have time to stop by on multiple days? Sign up for this half-day event to get a comprehensive overview of best practices of teaching in the new spaces. It will incorporate strategies discussed in the previous workshops listed above.

  • May 10 | 9am-12:30pm | Location TBA

We are excited for faculty and how you all will use these new Flexible Learning Spaces! Thank you to the CFE for providing these many learning opportunities on campus.

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