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Poll Everywhere

Announcements // last updated 01.23.24

January 24, 2024: Poll Everywhere has implemented a new Attendance Management feature. For more information, please refer to the following guides for Instructors and Students. While instructors are welcome to explore this feature, documentation, functionality and support may be limited. The UNC Check-In App provides a known solution for taking attendance on campus in supported General Purpose Classrooms.

Student Account Registration New Instructor Account Request

Poll Everywhere is a web-based polling system. Clickers are not required.
Students can submit responses via web browser, mobile app or text message.
Instructors can create polls, view student responses and download reports. Polls can be added to PowerPoint presentations or displayed in a web browser. Grades and participation can be synced to the Canvas gradebook.


Student FAQs

Please read before continuing!

All students must register for a UNC-affiliated Poll Everywhere account using their Onyens.

After reading these instructions:

  1. Click the Student Account Registration link below
  2. Enter your Onyen and password
  3. Follow the instructions on screen to sign up for a Poll Everywhere account
  4. Your Poll Everywhere account will be created

Please note the following important questions.

What email address should I use to register with Poll Everywhere?

Enter your official UNC-Chapel Hill email address (Note: You can find it under Connect Carolina > Personal Information > Contact Details > Business/UNC Email Address and Domain). Do NOT use a private email such as “”.

How often do I need to register for a UNC-affiliated Poll Everywhere account?

Only once.

Can I have more than one UNC-affiliated Poll Everywhere account?

NO! If you have registered for a UNC-affiliated Poll Everywhere account in a previous semester, you do NOT need to register for a second one. Creating multiple accounts will prevent your grades from showing up properly in the LMS gradebooks.

What should I do if I have multiple UNC-affiliated Poll Everywhere accounts?

If you suspect that you have multiple UNC-affiliated accounts (e.g., your poll results are not accessible to your instructor), you will need to contact and request support for Poll Everywhere. Sign in and use the ‘Get Help’ button to describe the issue or search Poll Everywhere, select ‘Poll Everywhere Support, and fill out the form choosing Sync Issue. Poll Everywhere will then be contacted so that your accounts and responses can be merged and the extra account(s) deleted.

  1. Go to
  2. Click Log in
  3. Enter your official UNC-Chapel Hill email address (Note: You can find it under Connect Carolina > Personal Information > Contact Details > Business/UNC Email Address and Domain)
  4. Click Next button
  5. Click Log in with UNC Chapel Hill button
  6. Enter your Onyen and password and click Sign in button
  7. You will be logged into your Poll Everywhere account
  8. Note: If you used a different email address for Poll Everywhere in previous semesters, you will not see old responses when logged in with your Onyen and password. If you need to see these responses, enter your other email address and Poll Everywhere password instead. For current and future semesters, respond to polls using your official student account only. This will ensure that Instructors can see your responses.

  1. Go to
  2. Click Log in
  3. Enter your official UNC-Chapel Hill email address (Note: You can find it under Connect Carolina > Personal Information > Contact Details > Business/UNC Email Address and Domain)
  4. Click Next button
  5. Click Log in with UNC Chapel Hill button
  6. Enter your Onyen and password and click Sign in button
  7. You will be logged into your Poll Everywhere account
  8. On the side menu, click Registration
  9. Confirm that the information is accurate
  10. If needed, click Register to join your instructor’s presentation and click Update

You can respond to polls using a web browser or the mobile app. Check with your Instructor to find out if there is a preferred response method for the course.

Web browser

  1. Go to
  2. Click Log in
  3. Enter your official UNC-Chapel Hill email address (Note: You can find it under Connect Carolina > Personal Information > Contact Details > Business/UNC Email Address and Domain)
  4. Click Next button
  5. Click Log in with UNC Chapel Hill button
  6. Enter your Onyen and password and click Sign in button
  7. You will be logged into your Poll Everywhere account
  8. Type the Session URL into the address bar
  9. Note: The Session URL will be listed at the top of each poll. It will look like
  10. Respond to the poll

Mobile App

  1. The Poll Everywhere app is available for iOS and Android
  2. Go to the App Store for your device
  3. Search Poll Everywhere
  4. Install the App
  5. Open the App
  6. Tap the Menu icon and choose Log In
  7. Enter your official UNC-Chapel Hill email address (Note: You can find it under Connect Carolina > Personal Information > Contact Details > Business/UNC Email Address and Domain)
  8. Tap Next button
  9. Tap Log in with UNC Chapel Hill button
  10. Enter your Onyen and password and tap Sign in button
  11. After you are logged in, enter the Session URL. It will look like
  12. Respond to the poll

  1. Go to
  2. Click Log in
  3. Enter your official UNC-Chapel Hill email address (Note: You can find it under Connect Carolina > Personal Information > Contact Details > Business/UNC Email Address and Domain)
  4. Click Next button
  5. Click Log in with UNC Chapel Hill button
  6. Enter your Onyen and password and click Sign in button
  7. You will be logged into your Poll Everywhere account
  8. On the side menu, select History
  9. Your poll responses will be listed on this page
  10. Note: Only responses made while logged into your official student account will be displayed.

Yes, it is possible to respond to polls by text. You will need to add your phone number to Poll Everywhere. Let your Instructor know that you do not have a laptop or smartphone. There are some types of polls that cannot be answered by text.

How do I add my phone number to Poll Everywhere?

  1. Go to
  2. Click Log in
  3. Enter your official UNC-Chapel Hill email address (Note: You can find it under Connect Carolina > Personal Information > Contact Details > Business/UNC Email Address and Domain)
  4. Click Next button
  5. Click Log in with UNC Chapel Hill button
  6. Enter your Onyen and password and click Sign in button
  7. You will be logged into your Poll Everywhere account
  8. On the side menu, select Settings
  9. Enter or edit your Phone Number
  10. Click the Save button
  11. You will be prompted to Certify your phone number
  12. Follow the instructions on screen to complete the process

How do I respond to polls by text message?

  1. If applicable, instructions for how to respond by text will be listed at the top of a poll
  2. To join the session, text InstructorUsername to a Number
  3. Response options will be listed with each poll. For example, you might text A, B or C for a multiple-choice question

I tried to text my answer to a poll but the message was blocked.

Your phone service might not be set up to send text messages to short codes. Contact your carrier to enable this feature.

If this does not resolve the issue, try texting your responses to the Poll Everywhere backup 10-digit number: (747) 444-3548. This number should be used sparingly and only by those who cannot otherwise text to the Poll Everywhere short code.

If the problem continues, you will need to respond to polls using the Poll Everywhere website or mobile app instead.

Instructor FAQs

Instructions for how to request a Poll Everywhere Instructor Account
      1. Go to
      2. Click the Sign In link and log in with your Onyen/password if prompted
      3. In the search bar, type Poll Everywhere
      4. Select the Poll Everywhere link and then click the Poll Everywhere Support button
      5. Complete all required * sections of the request form, including title and contact information
      6. Under “How can we help you?” choose Request presenter account
      7. Complete the section “In which course(s) do you plan to use Poll Everywhere?”
      8. Complete the section “How do you plan to use Poll Everywhere in your course(s)?”
      9. Scroll down and click the Submit button
      10. Note: Poll Everywhere presenter accounts are offered at no cost to instructors, teaching assistants, and staff. There will be no charges to you or your department for this request. Students are not eligible for presenter accounts.
      11. Your request will be submitted
      12. When your request is processed, you will receive additional information via email

      1. Go to
      2. Click Log in
      3. Enter your official UNC-Chapel Hill email address (Note: You can find it under Connect Carolina > Personal Information > Contact Details > Business/UNC Email Address and Domain)
      4. Click Next button
      5. Click Log in with UNC Chapel Hill button
      6. Sign in using your Onyen and password if prompted
      7. You will be logged into your Poll Everywhere account
      8. Note: If you have Poll Everywhere accounts associated with other email addresses, you will not see those polls when logged into your official Instructor Account. To access those accounts, log in using the email address and Poll Everywhere password associated with the account. For official UNC-CH instructional use, create polls using your Instructor Account only. These accounts provide many advantages including more features, larger audiences, and Single-sign-on.

      1. Set up a trial poll and limit ‘Who can respond’ to registered participants. If you plan on using both multiple-choice and open-ended questions, create one of each. Students who have not registered successfully will not be able to respond to the polls.
      2. Send your students to and ask them to review the Student FAQs. Remind them to log into their official Poll Everywhere student accounts before responding to polls from a web browser or using the mobile app.
      3. View the Responses for the poll. Compare against your official course roster in Connect Carolina.
      4. If students encounter technical issues, help options are available at

      1. First, check your Poll Everywhere Username (Profile icon > Personal Info > Username). To change your Username, type a new Username into the box. If the Username is available, click the Change The Username is part of your Session URL and will be displayed to students at the top of each poll. The format is
      2. Create a poll. Under ‘How can people respond’ confirm that Website is selected. This will allow students to respond from a web browser or using the mobile app. Click the Save Make the poll visible to students by clicking the Activate button.
      3. Ask students to open a web browser, go to and log in. After logging in, they should type your Session URL into the address bar. Students will see only the current active poll. Alternatively, students can log into the mobile app, join your Session and view the current active poll there.
      4. You can activate a poll from the Poll Everywhere website or by using the PowerPoint add-on. By default, a poll will remain active for 1 day. You can adjust this under Profile icon > Activity Settings or individually when editing each poll.

Go to the Poll Everywhere for PowerPoint add-on page for your operating system. Follow the instructions to download and install for:



After the add-on is installed, follow these steps to log in:

      1. Open PowerPoint
      2. Create or Open a presentation
      3. Click the Poll Everywhere tab
      4. Click Log In and follow the instructions on screen
      5. Enter your official UNC-Chapel Hill email address (Note: You can find it under Connect Carolina > Personal Information > Contact Details > Business/UNC Email Address and Domain)
      6. Click the Next button
      7. Click the Log in with UNC Chapel Hill button
      8. Sign in with your Onyen and password and authorize access if prompted
      9. You will be logged into your Poll Everywhere Instructor Account
      10. You can now create new polls or insert existing polls into your PowerPoint Presentation


For detailed instructions on importing Poll Everywhere responses into Canvas, please refer to the Poll Everywhere LTI Advantage Canvas guide.

We recommend that you remind your students to register for their UNC student Poll Everywhere accounts using the instructions in the Student FAQ “How do I register for a student account?”, available at By using their primary UNC email address to register and creating only one UNC Poll Everywhere account, they can avoid problems having their poll responses show up in the Canvas gradebook.

January 24, 2024: Poll Everywhere implemented an Attendance Management feature. For more information, please refer to the following guides for Instructors and Students. While instructors are welcome to explore this feature, documentation, functionality and support may be limited. The UNC Check-In App provides a known solution for taking attendance on campus in supported General Purpose Classrooms.

May 15, 2024: Sakai entered Restricted Access and may no longer be used actively for teaching courses. Instructions for how to import grades remain on the UNC Sakai Tutorials Poll Everywhere page for reference only.

In order to share polls, a Poll Everywhere Team must be created for you and your colleagues. Before requesting a team, all team members must have Instructor Accounts. Note: All team members can run polls and view results but only the poll owner can make edits.

To request a Poll Everywhere Team, please complete the following steps:

      1. Go to
      2. Click the Sign In link and log in with your Onyen/password if prompted
      3. In the search bar, type Poll Everywhere
      4. Select the Poll Everywhere link and then click the Poll Everywhere Support button
      5. Complete all required * sections of the request form, including title and contact information
      6. Under “How can we help you?” choose Request a team
      7. Complete the section “In which course(s) do you plan to use Poll Everywhere?”
      8. Complete the section “How do you plan to use Poll Everywhere in your course(s)?”
      9. Under Additional Information, describe that you would like a Team created to share polls. Include the Names/Onyens of your team members. (Note: If your team members do not have Instructor Accounts already, ITS will ask you to remind them to request accounts at this point in the process.)
      10. Scroll down and click the Submit button
      11. Your request will be processed and you will receive additional information via email

For more information about sharing polls after your Team is created, please visit:
How to share activities

If you are the Team Manager for your team, you can add/remove team members. For instructions, refer to the section about adding presenters:

Add members to team

The Center for Faculty Excellence Poll Everywhere support page includes best practices and resources. CFE staff are available for individual consultations.

Yes, but text responses are only supported for multiple choice and open response polls.

When creating a poll, the option to allow text responses is selected by default under How people can respond > Text messaging. Under your activity settings, you can change the default to exclude the texting option. You may want to ask your students to reach out to you directly if they have a need to respond via text.

Students who do use this option will need to add their phone numbers in Poll Everywhere to be able to respond by text message. Refer them to the Student FAQs for instructions.

Poll Everywhere provides regular updates on the Poll Everywhere System Status page.