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Canvas panda in blue glassesWe are excited to introduce the new Text Quiz Builder, a faster way to create Quizzes and Question Banks for Canvas! Within the Canvas interface, questions must be created one-by-one, involving many clicks and fields to enter your questions, answer choices, and feedback. In the new Text Quiz Builder, you can quickly type out all of these details in one big form that will export your assessment into a QTI file ready to be imported into Canvas. With final exams starting soon, you can use this new builder to quickly create your exam questions all at once!

Check out the new Text Quiz Builder or access it at this short URL:

Using the Text Quiz Builder

You can use this quiz builder to create New Quizzes, Classic Quizzes, and Question Banks. On the Text Quiz Builder page, you will find full instructions on using this process to create your Canvas Quizzes. We highly recommend thoroughly reviewing these instructions but here is a quick rundown on using the builder.

TIP: Have the Text Quiz Builder open to see full instructions but work on your questions in a separate document that you can continuously save. Once you’re done, copy and paste your quiz text into the Text Quiz Builder form.

How Does the Builder Work?

Following a specific text format, the Text Quiz Builder looks at each component of a question to determine the specific question type, answer choices, and what is set as feedback. How the answers are entered is how it determines the question type. Let’s look at these questions for examples:

1. In what year was UNC established?
a) 1887
b) 1636
*c) 1789
d) 1838

2. Upload a photo of the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.

3. Write an essay about the history of the Old Well.

As explained in the instructions on the Text Quiz Builder page, question 1 is a multiple choice question with a single correct answer due to using abcd with a close parenthesis and an asterisk next to the correct answer choice (c). Questions 2 and 3 may look very similar in how they are formatted but the carets (^^^^) in question 2 determine it’s a file-upload question type, whereas the pounds (####) in question 3 signify this is an essay question type.

Adding Points and Feedback

You can make all questions equal or set different point values per question. You can also add feedback. Here is a True/False question with the question text and answer choices bolded for easier viewing:

Points: 1
1. Rameses is the UNC mascot.
… General question feedback.
+ Feedback for correct answer.
– Feedback for incorrect answer.
*a) True
… Feedback for True answer selection.
b) False
… Feedback for False answer selection.

Random Draw with Question Groups

If you like to have Canvas randomly draw questions from a larger set of questions, you’re in luck because Question Groups can be created through the Text Quiz Builder as well! Group appendages are bolded below for easier viewing. This Question Group uses a multiple choice question with multiple correct answers and a numerical question type.

pick: 1
points per question: 1

1. Which of the following libraries are located on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus?
[ ] D. H. Hill. Jr. Library
[*] Davis Library
[*] Wilson Library
[ ] Perkins Library

2. What is the square root of 2?
= 1.4142 +- 0.0001


Important note regarding total points on quiz: When using Groups on a New Quiz, the total point value of the quiz assignment may not be accurate. We advise importing the QTI file using one of the following two options. The points on questions should accurately reflect what you entered on the Text Quiz Builder form but it’s a good idea to check your questions once they’re in Canvas as well:

Final Syntax Check and Convert to QTI

When your questions are done and entered into the Text Quiz Builder, you’ll click the button to check for syntax errors. This will notify you of any issues that need to be fixed. Once no errors are found, click to convert to a QTI file, which you will then import into Canvas opens in new window.

Things to Keep in Mind

Here are some key items to note about the quiz builder. See full instructions on the Text Quiz Builder!

  • This process creates a brand new Classic Quiz, New Quiz, or Question Bank. To add questions to an existing assessment, you must do so directly in Canvas.
  • The quiz builder accepts only basic text of questions, answers, and feedback. Images, files, and special formatting must be applied within Canvas.
  • Points must be whole numbers.
  • When using Question Groups, the total point value of the assignment may not be accurate if you are importing as a New Quiz. You will need to update the total point value of the assignment after importing OR import the QTI file as a Classic Quiz and then migrate it to a New Quiz.
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