Welcome back and Happy 2024! We hope you are feeling refreshed and rejuvenated for a new year and new semester.
For those of you switching to Canvas this spring, we have the next opportunity to get some Canvas training coming up in a couple of days. Join our ITS-EdTech group as we once again team up with the Center for Faculty Excellence at a Canvas Design Snapshot. These special 2-hour sessions are for instructors interested in refining and aligning their course goals around Canvas tools and organizational structure. CFE staff members will outline the process for making evidence-based course decisions and will introduce you to some of the features of Canvas that can be used to help achieve your course goals. Our EdTech members will be there to help answer your questions.
The next Canvas Design Snapshot is this Thursday, January 4th, from 10am-noon over Zoom. Registration closes tomorrow!
In the News
Check out the ITS article “EdTech and CFE team up on Canvas Training” to learn more about the Canvas Course Design Snapshots. It features our team members Bob Henshaw (ITS/CFE Liaison), Kate Moss, and Marla Sullivan!
Nearly 150 faculty members have attended these snapshot trainings since they began in May of last year. You also can get many of your course design and technical questions answered by attending a snapshot session.
Sign up for this Thursday’s session over Zoom!
“The transition to Canvas provides a great opportunity for faculty to consider how they can create a supportive learning environment based on how students interact with their instructors, course content and their fellow students outside of a classroom environment.”
– Marissa Stewart, Lead Canvas Course Design Snapshot Trainer, CFE Interim Associate Director for Teaching & Learning